Wargaming Musings?

I'm a bit of a butterfly in terms of my attention and sticking to gaming projects long term isn't my strongest point. On the bright side, atleast I flit between the same things. Expect an ecclectic medley of Moderns, Dark Ages, Quar and Early Wild West, almost all in 28mm... (with some 1/48 moderns thrown in... )

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Painting Super Update (28mm) - WinterApoc figures & markers

Please forgive the lack of commentry on these - but as you can see, there are a lot of them! The first couple of pictures are assorted markers and scatter scenery; then a block of all my survivors thus far (as well as a few feral dogs and escapee wolves) - the majority are conversions, but a few of them are stock. Figures from Offensive, Brigade, Killer B, Foundry, TAG, Hasslefree, Hetzerdog, Dixon, Acheson design, BTD, Tiger, SMM, Megaminis, MoFo & Urban Beat. Dogs by Tiger & Brittania. Wolves by WestWind & Alternative Armies
 The cultists I've shown before, but for the sake of completeness I thought I'd show them with their new bases... 

WiP Update (28mm) - WinterApoc

Another mega update - this time with some more up-to-date WiP stuff....

Figures that are just at the start of the conversion process (Foundry, Brittania, TAG, Redoubt, SMM)

A few more that are edging closer to completion... (Offensive, Tiger, Killer B, TAG, Foundry & Brigade)

And a couple more from the paint desk (SMM, LAM, Hasslefree & Foundry)...

WiP Update (28mm) - Winter Apoc Survivors

I just discovered this lurking in the drafts section - most of these figures are either finished or close to being so, but as the tedious process of getting all the photos in has already been done, I thought I'd share it anyway! lol The snowy scenery has since been axed....

The long quiet....

I'm aware things have all gone quiet over last month or so - sorry about that. All sorts of things seem to be conspiring to slow down blog posts - I've based, then rebased my various WinterApoc (yup, finally found a name for the project!) survivors, finished writing my second year report (boring real world stuff), Emma (my Fiancée) has had pretty bad back problems recently which has served to keep me out f the hobby room (her usual computer chair has been found to be very uncomfortable) ; I've been play-testing a new set of rules (Scavenge, Skirmish, Survive); but perhaps most importantly, I've been posting most of my work up on forums (Post Apoc Wargames, LAF & The Guild*) and after submitting it all up on there, I'm not normally in the mood for the re-formatting etc required to get it up on here...

*As part of their 2013 project challenge 

That said, I'm going to try to catch up in the next couple of days, and will do my best to stay on top of things as they go... Until then; here's a playtest battle report for those that fancy some Post-apocalypse action: